Chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging for investigating impact of cold acclimatin in natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Vilém Hrubý - Gymnázium Brno-Řečkovice, příspěvková organizace
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v. v. i.
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Bělidla 986/4a, 60300 Brno
Kumud Bandhu Mishra

Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) emission is one of the most popular non-invasive optical methods commonly being used to measure activation of photosynthesis and information on photochemical and non-photochemical processes in the plant leaves. Imaging fluorimeters are being used to visualize the heterogeneity of photosynthetic processes over the area of interest in any photosynthetic organisms. We shall use ChlF imaging to investigate impact of two weeks cold acclimation, at 4 °C, in six weeks old and highly contrasting natural accession of Arabidopsis thaliana, Te (tenela), and Co (coimbra) originating, respectively, from cold and warm climate of Finland and Portugal. We shall investigate how cold acclimation affects ChlF signals in plants originating from extreme environmental conditions.